Refund & Return Policy

Our focus is complete customer satisfaction. Therefore, we provide a 7-Day return period after the date of delivery. In the event, if you are dissatisfied with our product, we would accept a return/replacement request, provided, the product is unused and is in the same condition as was delivered. Please go through each deal carefully before buying it, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase. Customers have the liberty to return/replace an order depending on the product.

If the customer does not accept the order at the time of delivery and it Returns to its origin, we will be refunding the amount after deducting the Courier charges and payment gateway fees.

Mode of Refund

  • Get your refund Dream Home Decorr as soon as the product reaches us. (Fastest)
  • Refund via original payment mode for all prepaid orders.
  • Refund in bank account for Cash on Delivery orders.

Refund Timing

Refund can take up to 90 days from the date of cancellation to get credited in your bank account. once refund is Initiated by Dream Home Decorr it can take following time to get credited to your bank account. In case your refund is delayed, please connect with us on

UPI 1 day
Net Banking 1-4 days
Credit Card 1 to 7 days
Debit Card 7 to 10 days

Sometimes refund can be delayed, actual refund date will be provided by our customer care specialist, once refund date is confirmed by our customer care specialist refund will be done as Scheduled.

Cancellations & Return procedure

Please note that there may be certain orders that we are unable to accept and must cancel. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to refuse or cancel any order for any reason. Some situations that may result in your order being canceled include limitations on quantities available for purchase inaccuracies or errors in product or pricing information,

You may cancel an order before the order has been shipped from our warehouse. After an order is shipped, then we will have to process the cancellation with our logistics partners. This takes about 24 hours, and in some cases, delivery attempts may also be made.

Once an order is delivered, we follow our return policy to determine further actions.

*Any return/replacement requests after the 7-Day return period will not be entertained.

To cancel any order customer can contact to our customer support or can directly cancel through their order section from our website.

For any further assistance, please contact our customer care team:

Gift Card

  1. For individual retail customers, Gift Cards can be purchased using the following payment modes only – Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking and UPI.
  2. There is no fee or other charges associated with Gift Card purchase or redemption.
  3. This Gift Card cannot be used to purchase other gift cards.
  4. This Gift Card shall have a validity period of 365 days from the date of issue
  5. The Gift Card once purchased cannot be cancelled, refunded or returned.


All Rights Reserved to Dream Home Decorr

All disputes are subject to Madhya Pradesh jurisdiction. Goods once sold will only be taken back or exchanged as per the Dream Home Decorr exchange/return policy.

Company shall not pay any charges for Legal Notices and will not entertain any legal notices for issues with the orders.

Customer Support

For any further assistance, please contact our customer care team:

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